Church bulletin


         582 W. Main Street; Lexington, KY  40507

                         Pastor Victor G. Sholar                            

To present every person perfect (mature) in Christ. Col. 1:28    

2024 Theme:  “He Is The Great I AM”  Exodus 3:14     

          Sunday, July 21, 2024       11:00 A.M.


Musical Prelude  

Call to Worship                           

We have come as the body of Christ to do Holy business for our King. We have come in troubled times, but we have high spirits.  We know the  Eternal One is still on the throne.  Saints, lift up holy hands, lift high your voices and praise the Sovereign One.  Mighty is our God, holy are His judgments, and He is altogether lovely.  Praise Him!  Praise Him!  Praise Him!    


Morning Hymn       :       “Thanks to God Whose Word was Spoken” #409


Responsive Reading  (printed)




Tithes & Offerings                                                    Ushers



Recognition of Visitors/Observations                     Pulpit


Prayer                                                                        Pulpit


Music Ministry                                                Dea. Lesley Moore & Sis. Athena Sholar


SERMON                                                                   Pastor Victor G. Sholar                            

                                                                      Text:  Exodus 10:1-20

Title:  “God vs. Pharaoh: Round 9: The Plague of                   Locusts”


Three  reasons why God arranged a fight against His enemy for the sake of His people:

I. God wanted His people to be hated by His enemy to strengthen their faith in His works [vv. 1-6]


II. God wanted His enemy to hold His people hostage to deepen their worship of Him [vv. 7-11]


III. God wanted His enemy to give Him honor to show His people He is worthy [vv. 12-20]


The Period to Receive Those Whom The Lord Will Send






 Responsive Reading for the Month of July 2024:

Catechism – a set form of questions and answers to teach the tenets of the Christian Faith:

Question: Will God allow our disobedience and idolatry to go unpunished?

Answer: No, every sin is against the sovereignty, holiness, and goodness of God, and against His righteous law, and God is righteously angry with our sins and will punish them in His just judgment both in this life, and in the life to come.


Question: Is there any way to escape punishment and be brought back into God’s favor?

Answer: Yes, to satisfy His justice, God Himself, out of mere mercy, reconciles us to Himself and delivers us from sin and from the punishment for sin, by a Redeemer.


Question: Who is the Redeemer?

Answer: The only Redeemer is the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, in whom God became man and bore the penalty for sin Himself.

“Sweet Hour of Prayer”—Prayer Meeting

“Sweet Hour of Prayer”—Prayer Meeting Resumes

Again, all are encouraged to meet this Tuesday for a special time of prayer for our church body.   Pastor Sholar has asked that we continue to gather in the Chapel Sanctuary at 12noon and assemble for prayer for one hour, uniting in prayer before the LORD.  We are blessed to know--and are assured--God hears and answers prayer—we want to be faithful to continue in prayer.   Please plan to attend.

 --Please be attentive for Pastoral directions regarding our Tuesday mid-day prayer meetings.  Construction trucks and equipment in back of church area may be a concern. 

               Luke 11:5-10   

 “…And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” 

 BIBLE STUDY – In-Person & Zoom Meetings

Please be mindful, Bible Study will now be held each Tuesday at 7pm both in-person at the Chapel and via Zoom.  Please take note of any announcements made by our Pastor regarding our Bible study sessions.



Pastor Sholar will be teaching from the book “Fundamentals of the Faith” (with book introduction by John MacArthur) for Tuesday night Bible Study.  This book presents “13 lessons to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.”  All are encouraged to have a personal copy as this is a workbook.

Books have been ordered in bulk and may be purchased for $5.  All who wish to get one may stop by the church office. 

God is True
Poet: John Zurn
The day may groan and signs break down
while night may seem uncertain.
But I still know that God is now beyond my restless feelings.

My thoughts may sink and hopes run out
while words feel dull and tired.
Yet God exists and when I’m lost my Lord saves and inspires.

This world may tempt and offer ease
while I must trust salvation;
and I’d regret the loss of peace if life had no direction.

My spirit lives and God is true
and love is his connection.
The Lord is proof that me and you are under God’s protection.

 Health Ministry:  Schedule--2024

    1st Sundays -- Cassandra Dunford/Tonja Cummings

     2nd Sundays -- Brandy Jeffries/ Charmaine Simpson

3rd Sundays  -- Bernita Taylor/Tonja Cummings

4th Sundays -- Vanessa Connor/ Nanette Jackson

                                             5th Sundays-- March 31  Cassandra Dunford/Tonja Cummings

                                             June 30     Brandy Jeffries/ Charmaine Simpson      

                                             Sept. 29    Bernita Taylor/Tonja Cummings

                                             Dec. 29     Vanessa Connor/Nanette Jackson





Sunday, July 21         Missions Day, 11am

Sunday, July 28         Scholarship Sunday, 11am


Sunday, August 4      Observance of the LORD’s Table, 11am

Sunday, Aug. 18       Fellowship Worship Services with

                                  West Bend Baptist Church Anniversary, 4pm

                                  Pastor John Clark Taylor (Clay City, KY)

                                  (Dinner served before worship services)

                                   Further information with directions will be provided later.


Saturday, Aug. 24    “Friends & Family” Movie Day (see flyer)

Sunday, Aug. 25         162nd Church Anniversary/”Friends & Family”

                                        Day, 11am   (Fellowship Dinner afterwards)   

                                         Further information to be given.


Sunday, Sept. 1         Observance of the LORD’s Table, 11am

Sunday, Sept. 14       Pastor Sholar’s 14th Anniversary, 11am

                                  Further information to be given. 



Mass Choir rehearsal will be held (or cancelled) as announced.  As construction continues—God be praised--as well as arena events being held, patience is required of us as we adjust our schedules during this season.  Thanks for your cooperation.  (Bro. M. Rogers) 

         CHURCH THEME – 2024

    “He is The Great I AM”   Ex. 3:14


And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel:

 ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”


“…And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you;

seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”      Luke 11:5-10


Please help support our children in Haiti and purchase two or more tickets to a fund raising raffle for The Voice of Children.  The first prize is $500 toward the airline of your choice. Second prize is $250.  Tickets are available for $10 from Dea. Les Moore or Sis. Kristen Gordon. The drawing will be August 1.  

“Mesi pou silo ou ak priye ou” 

 (Haitin-Creole for “Thank you for your support and prayers.)
Thank you!  ((Submitted by Sis. Kristen Gordon)


Main Street Church is blessed to have Elder Isaiah Thomas here as an Assistant to the Pastor—providing labor of support here in the LORD’s vineyard.  We have already witnessed his involvement and his desire to honor the Name of Christ Jesus—to the glory of God. 

He seeks to soon learn the Main Street membership, and shall actively pursue this.  

We again welcome Elder Thomas, Sis. Thomas and their children now part of the Main Street Church Family.  May God’s blessings be upon them.     



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